Friday, 3 July 2015



Cloud Computing is the development of grid computing, parallel computing and distributed computing. Cloud Computing services are most wanted by IT world. Cloud Computing is the use of computing resources that are delivered as a service over the internet. The main technology for cloud computing is virtualization. It is used for abstraction of the computing resources. It can be applied to physical infrastructure and soft component. So these resources are easy to use and manage.

Service Models

Software as a service (SaaS)

In this service, cloud servers provide software services for consumers, but customers have no control over which means that users are not authorized to modify this service. SaaS providers of cloud services are:
Ø  Google Apps
Ø  SQL Azure

Platform as a service (PaaS)

Cloud server provides the platform to customers so they put their application or software on the cloud platform. Here too, users are not entitled to control or modify the platform but they can control their applications which are running across platforms. PaaS service providers:
Ø  Gogrid Cloud Centers
Ø  Google App Engine

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Infrastructure have set of hardware, software, storage devices and CPU cycle and other components that allows consumers to use these services and components, here the user has full control over the infrastructure means they can modify it. Figure below represented the service model by cloud computing. IaaS Service providers are:
Ø  Amazon elastic compute cloud(EC2)
Ø  Terremark
Ø  Rack Space cloud

 New services have also been added in cloud computing such as data as a service (DaaS), the network as a service (Naas). All these services are also referred as anything as a service. As cloud computing has developed, many cloud vendors offer different services associated with them. The portfolio of services offered adds another set of definitions called the service model. However, these service models also referred to as XaaS mean anything as a service in which we can access any cloud services from any service provider. We can access the service, used in accordance with requirements and release the service after paying the cost of use.

Deployment Models

Cloud computing are serviced using deployment models. These models are: public model, private model, hybrid model, community model.

Public cloud

In Public Cloud, it allows resources and services to be easily accessible from anywhere and anytime which means that cloud user can access any resource from cloud. But the biggest drawback of Public cloud is that it is not safe because of no privacy and also no security mechanisms.

Private cloud

 In Private cloud, it allows the resources and services to be accessed within organization. Because of its private nature, it is more secure as compared to the public cloud and data tends to remain confidential in private cloud.

·         On-premises private cloud (Internal cloud)-On-site private cloud is the best equipped for organizations that require complete control over their mechanisms of applications, infrastructure, storage and security.

·        Off-premises private cloud- It is also known as external cloud. This type of private cloud is managed by external cloud as organization only rely on external cloud and not contain control over various services.

 Hybrid Cloud

It is the combination of Public cloud and Private cloud. The cloud infrastructure consists of a number of clouds of any kind, but the clouds have the ability through their interfaces to allow data and applications moved from one cloud to another. So, this requirement is fulfill by hybrid cloud.

 Community cloud

This cloud allows the access of services and resources by the   group of the organizations.

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